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Dear visitor,

CRIPTOGRAMMA® is part of a system called G R O (Global Resources Overview).  Many companies use the services of consultants to recruit new personnel and later doubt the wisdom of the choices made.  Others rely on their own resources and risk overestimating or underestimating candidates' abilities.  Why not try a further, more economical and direct method of evaluating people?  A quite revolutionary method when compared with graphology, body-language, astrology or other means currently used?

CRIPTOGRAMMA® incorporates a questionnaire to this system.  It has been used since 1992 with 60 questions and 49 Personal Profiles.  Now it is also available with with 100 Personal Profiles.   This tool has been mainly created to be used in the Human Resources' final recruitment .   Now it is available to everyone who wishes having it.

 It can be used by:  


For any further information you can send an E-mail to centre@tin.it   or telephone:

+39 0296372680  +39 3939713589 

The following is an extract from G R O:  there are four Typological Combinations.  Each is an example of a Personal Profile only.  After your registration and payment, a complete file on your Dodecathegory, Tendencies and Inclinations will be sent to you in due time.





Anna Maria D'Amico © since 1993 todate

© 1990- 2023 Anna Maria D'Amico
(CRIPTOGRAMMA®1993-2023 & PROSOPOSCOPIA®1993-2023)
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 STUDI & CONSULENZE -   Mozzate (CO) Italy